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Need personal protective equipment?

Guidelines on Face Coverings in England

The Role of Face Coverings

Understanding the circumstances and effectiveness of wearing face coverings.

Key Points:

  • Face coverings may offer marginal benefits as a precautionary measure.
  • They may protect others if you are infected but asymptomatic.
  • Workers and visitors who wish to wear face coverings should be permitted to do so.
  • Face coverings are simple and should be worn in enclosed spaces where social distancing is challenging.
  • They differ from surgical masks or respirators used in healthcare settings.
  • Face coverings should not replace PPE for industrial hazards.

Guidelines and Recommendations

Understanding the legal requirements and best practices for using face coverings.

Legal Requirements:

  • Required by law when using public transport in England.
  • Optional elsewhere and not mandated by law, including in workplaces.
  • Exceptions exist for health, age, or equality reasons.

Proper Usage:

  • Wash hands before and after using a face covering.
  • Avoid touching face or covering to prevent contamination.
  • Change or wash face covering if damp or touched.
  • Wash reusable coverings as per manufacturer's instructions.
  • Dispose of non-washable coverings carefully in regular waste.

Additional Information

Resources for making and safely using homemade face coverings.

Government Support:

Visit GOV.UK for guidance on creating and using homemade face coverings.