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Need personal protective equipment?

Guide to Filtering Face Piece (FFP) Masks for Protection


Filtering Face Piece (FFP) masks come in three main types: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3. These masks are primarily utilised in industries to safeguard against airborne particles.

Key Requirements

For FFP masks:

  • CE Marking: Ensure the masks are CE marked, indicating compliance with recognized standards.
  • Standard Compliance: They must also be marked with the appropriate standard, typically EN 149:2001 for disposable respirators.

Protection Levels

The additional markings (FFP1, FFP2, FFP3) denote the protection level:

  • FFP1: Basic protection
  • FFP2: Moderate protection
  • FFP3: Highest level of protection

However, while FFP3 masks offer the best protection against Coronavirus COVID-19, effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.

Pre-Use Checks and Proper Usage

Before using an FFP mask:

  • Pre-Use Check: Inspect the mask for any defects.
  • Fit Checking: Ensure proper fit according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • Effectiveness Test: Conduct a simple breath test to confirm effectiveness.
  • Leakage Detection: Readjust the respirator if any leakage is detected around the face.