Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full Coronavirus COVID-19 Level 2 (VTQ) program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.

Need personal protective equipment?

Social Distancing and Travel Safety Guidelines

Learn how to maintain distance and stay safe while travelling.

Maintain Distance

Keep a 2-metre distance where possible to minimize transmission risk.

Government Guidance Update

As of 4 July 2020, if you cannot maintain a 2-metre distance:

Reduce risk by keeping a 1-metre distance where possible and taking extra precautions.

Travelling Precautions

Follow these precautions to keep yourself and others safe while travelling:

  • Limited contact with others, especially during peak travel times.
  • Regularly wash or sanitise your hands and wear a face covering.
  • Avoid touching your face and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Travel side by side or behind others, if possible.
  • Minimize surface contact and prefer outdoor seating.
  • Avoid close proximity to others and minimize loud talking or singing.
  • Dispose of waste safely, including used disposable face coverings.